picpick 4.2 5
picpick 4.2 5

4.2.6(2017-08-17).Fixedanissueofcreatingmultiplecolorpickerwindow;Fixedshortcutissue;Smallknownbugswerefixed.4.2.5(2017-06-20).Improved ...,PicPick-All-in-oneGraphicDesign,BestScreenCaptureandRecordingSoftware,ImageEditor,ColorPicker,PixelRuleran...



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Change Log

4.2.6 (2017-08-17). Fixed an issue of creating multiple color picker window; Fixed shortcut issue; Small known bugs were fixed. 4.2.5 (2017-06-20). Improved ...


PicPick - All-in-one Graphic Design, Best Screen Capture and Recording Software, Image Editor, Color Picker, Pixel Ruler and More.

PicPick 4.2.5

2017年6月20日 — It is an all-in-one program that provides a full-featured screen capture tool, intuitive image editor, color picker, color palette, pixel ruler, ...

Picpick 4.2.5 官方简体中文绿色免费版本

免费全功能经典截图软件PicPick现已更新至v4.2.5版本,本次更新主要更新多语言翻译,并修复了3处BUG。该软件有原生绿色便携版,自带简体中文语言,这款Picpick截图工具 ...

PicPick is a versatile image editing and screen capture software.

Download PicPick. PicPick 4.2.5. NTeWORKS - 12.5MB (Freeware). Version: 4.2.5. Size: 12.5MB. Date Added: Jun 20, 2017. License: Freeware. Languages: English.

PicPick Portable 4.2.5 (screen capture, editor, color picker) ...

2017年6月28日 — Features · Screen Capture - Take screenshots of the entire screen, an active window, specific region of the screen, free hand, scrolling window ...


PicPick - 全功能的設計工具,包含螢幕擷取、圖片編輯器、色彩選擇器、尺規等等...


4.2.6 (2017-08-17). Fixed an issue of creating multiple color picker window; Fixed shortcut issue; Small known bugs were fixed. 4.2.5 (2017-06-20). Improved ...


4.2.6 (2017-08-17). Fixed an issue of creating multiple color picker window; Fixed shortcut issue; Small known bugs were fixed. 4.2.5 (2017-06-20). Improved ...

阿榮福利味- PicPick 4.2.5 免安裝中文版

PicPick 4.2.5 免安裝中文版- 有馬賽克功能的擷圖繪圖工具http://www.azofreeware.com/2009/01/picpick-1802.html.


4.2.6(2017-08-17).Fixedanissueofcreatingmultiplecolorpickerwindow;Fixedshortcutissue;Smallknownbugswerefixed.4.2.5(2017-06-20).Improved ...,PicPick-All-in-oneGraphicDesign,BestScreenCaptureandRecordingSoftware,ImageEditor,ColorPicker,PixelRulerandMore.,2017年6月20日—Itisanall-in-oneprogramthatprovidesafull-featuredscreencapturetool,intuitiveimageeditor,colorpicker,colorpalette,pixelruler, ...,...